The thesis consists of an introductory text, portfolio of artworks and a fictional text. The thesis is situated on the website
HD video for streaming online with sound, 1 minute 21 seconds, 2020
(This is an edited extract of Jude, HD video for projection with sound, 25 minutes, 2020)
HD video with sound for streaming online or projection, 8 minutes 11 seconds, 2017
Audio track for headphones or stereo speakers, 8 minutes 42 seconds, 2016
HD video for streaming online or projection with sound, 3 minutes 55 seconds, 2015
HD video for streaming online or projection with sound or live accompaniment, 9 minutes 51 seconds, 2015
HD video for streaming online or projection with sound, 1 minute 47 seconds, 2015
HD video for streaming online or projection with sound, 1 minute 19 seconds,
Fictional, poetic, and doctored text for scrolling
28 digital collages (sizes variable) not for sale